| 1. | Reclamtion and reuse of stope of open pit coal mine 露天煤矿采场复垦与再利用 |
| 2. | Proper redistribution of dump in pingzhuang western open - pit coal mine 法国中南部煤田矿山公司 |
| 3. | Code for construction and acceptance of open pit coal - mine engingeering 露天煤矿工程施工及验收规范 |
| 4. | Probing into raw coal mining technology in antaibao open - pit coal mine 安太堡露天煤矿原煤开采工艺探讨 |
| 5. | Pin - point blasting and its effect and protection in open - pit coal mines 露天煤矿抛掷爆破及其影响和防护 |
| 6. | Study on sustainable development problem in anjialing open - pit coal mine 安家岭煤矿可持续发展问题的研究 |
| 7. | Truck dispatching system based on radio communication in open - pit coal mines 露天矿无线通讯卡车调度系统 |
| 8. | Stability analysis of the southwest slope of open pit coal mine of haizhou 海州露天煤矿西南帮边坡稳定性分析 |
| 9. | Several key questions of reclamation in open pit coal mine of heidaigou 黑岱沟露天煤矿土地复垦中的几个关键问题 |
| 10. | Optimized time analysis of observing perpendicular angles in open - pit coal mines 露天矿观测垂直角的最佳时间分析 |